Local variants or copies for library elements

Neuron Power Engineer provides simple possibilities to:

  • Create and use a local copy of an element from a deployed library (= of a library element). The creation of local copies is provided in all variants of Neuron Power Engineer.
    This procedure provides an alternative to copying and renaming of existing library elements. The local copy of an existing library element corresponds to an object in the project that you created anew. When you create the local copy, you must enter a unique name for the copy. Existing references to the library element are kept in the application.

  • Create and use one local variant of an element from a deployed library (= of a library element). The creation of local variants is not provided in all variants of Neuron Power Engineer.
    A local variant is a copy of an existing library element for which Neuron Power Engineer is automatically "bending" all references in the application from the original to the local variant. After you have created the local variant, you only have to adapt this local variant to your demands. This procedure provides another alternative to copying and renaming elements. The advantage of a local variant is that you do not have to manually correct existing usages. The local variant is automatically used instead of the original element.

This section informs about the necessary procedure.

Your question...

Start with this article...

How do I create a local variant?

Creating a local variant

How do I delete a local variant?

Deleting a local variant

How do I apply the local variants for a libray?

Applying the local variant into the original project and creating a new library version

How do I change the appearance of local variants?

Changing display preferences for local variants

The following table informs you about the differences between the possibilities to help you decide when to use them.
(Meaning: (tick) = applies, (error) = does not apply)


Local copy

Local variant

The possibility is provided in all variants of Neuron Power Engineer.



The usage of the library element in the current project is affected by changes in the copy/variant.

(error) (1)


The changes in the copy/variant can be applied to the library.



The display preferences can be changed.



(1) = A copy is treated like an object in the project that you created anew with a unique name.